Weekly Grist Gallery, October 31, 2010
Looking for fall, finding a dog
These images were shot around Marshall, Arkansas, October 30, 2010. Fall was dragging its feet here in the Delta, so I decided to seek relief in the mountains. The color is spotty this year because it is so dry. Because of the dryness, many trees started to drop leaves before the fall change. But, there were clusters of color. This slide show will start and run on its own or you may control the show with the panel below. Slider controls the time between slide changes,

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- Nearing Marshall, the evening of Oct. 29, I saw a likely road to the right off US 65, south of Marshall. I followed it hoping to find spectacular fall foliage. The foliage was OK, but lo, and behold I came upon the entrance of Smiley's Blue Ticks and found these masonry dogs.
- Though the masonry dogs are close, they are (IMHO) not Blue Ticks, which have much longer ears than what you see in the picture. Nevertheless, you get the drift that the Smileys love their dogs, and that's what countss. We get the drift.
- This is a section of the road leading to Smileys.
- On Highway 74 east of Snowball and northwest of Marshall.
- Ditto
- A remote county road north of Snowball, Arkansas.
- Ditto.
- Ditto.
- Colorful cluster on County Road 12 west of Snowball
- Leaves off a forest service road north of Lurton, Arkansas.
- Ditto.
- A small valley with good fall color north of Lurton, Arkansas.