Forty six surviving members of the class of 1956 of the El Dorado, Arkansas gathered Saturday, March 24, 2012 at the College Avenue Church of Christ for a reunion. Classmates were joined by more than 20 spouse and friends. Hugs, laughs, tears, and fond memories were the order of the day. After a memorial service for deceased classmates, a meal of catfish, chicken, shrimp and all the expected accompanying goodies, the group repaired to the new El Dorado High School for a class picture. At last report, around 5:30 p.m., a group of stalwart class members were continuing the meeting at a local watering hole. Here are 26 pictures from the event. April 3, 2012. We are told all survived the watering hole. Meantime, I have added three new pictues, two from my phone and he group shot of classmates only.