A new place for an old home
Formerly the old dogtrot house at Smead
In 2010, Bob Abbott decided it was high time to move his grandfather's old dogtrot house from the place it had been since the late 1800s at Smead, Arkansas, to a permanent home on his property on Pumpkin Hill Road southeast of Rison, Arkansas. Here are 19 pictures inside and out of the old home plus some other views at Bob's place. See the stories that go with the pictures at Corndancer dot-com and Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.

The old home in morning sun. An old dining car also on the property is visible just to the left of the house.
The same morning view from a slightly different angle.
Looking at the old home straight on from the front right down the dogtrot breezeway.
A tighter view of the front.
A 180 from the last view looking down the breezeway from the back porch.
A wider view of the back porch showing a nice colleciton of tools and implements of bygone years.
A mid-afternoon look at the front and side of the house.
Close up, in mid-afternoon.
Inside the bedroom showing bed and sewing machine arrangement.
The bedroom showing the entrance from the dogtrot breezeway.
The home entertainment corner of the bedroom featuring an antique Victrola.
The kitchen complete with iron stove and all the conviences of early 20th century.
A second view of the kitchen.
A late afernoon view of the house.
The on-premises chapel. It is popular for small weddings, memorial services and other church-related gatherings.
The Traveler, formerly the
private rail car of the President of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad, popularly known as "The Cotton Belt" line.
A second view of The Traveler.
Click here to see the interior of the car.
The lake which takes a half-moon shape around the property.
A really cool treetop reflection in the lake.