In 2010, Joe Powell and his crew of volunteers produced their first "Blues for a Cause, a Helping Hand," concert to benefit a friend stricken with cancer. They did repeat performances annually for cancer victims. Then in 2014, Joe Powell was attacked by cancer. He is completing his chemo treatments and the prognosis is good. In the meantime, his colleagues in the Blues community decided to host a Blues benefit for Joe at Neil's Musice Room in Memphis TN. The event featured: Eric Hughes, Amylee Pettis, The Royal Blues Band featuring Jack Rowell, Jr., Robert "Nighthawk" Tooms and the Wampus Cats,. Don McMinn, and Reba Russell. The turnout was great the music was fantastic. I can attest to the goodness of Joe Powell. His childen are my grandchildren. Here are 50 pictures from the event.