Weekly Grist Gallery, July 3, 2011
You don't always get what you want
Sometimes, that's not a bad thing particularly when you do not have a clue what you want. Such was the case for yours truly when I struck out the afternoon July 3, 2011 from my sister and brother-in-law's domicile a few miles east of Bismark AR. I did not have a clue which way to head or what I would find. Here's how it worked out.
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Some how, you just don't expect to see a home with a gravel yard and hundreds of trinkets decorating the landscape. But remember you are in Arkansas where new ideas run rampant. On Hwy. 128 south of the Hwy. 84/2128 junction east of Bismark AR.
As if the gravel yard and trinkets weren't enough, less than a half-mile south is this boldly emblazoned garage door.
Descending Jacks Mountain on Hwy. 128 north of Hot Springs AR.
An old home place tree on Amity Road west of Hot Srpings. The property owner happened by while I was shooting and explained that this one is the survivor of two similar trees on the home place of his father and mother. Each had "their" tree. The home and the other tree are gone, as is the east side of this tree.
The tree closer.
Detail of the broken limb on the tree.
A neat little barn on Garland County Road 1, west of Hot Springs AR.
Peak Cemetery in Garland County AR on Ragweed Valley Road. The church was free of signage save the work PEAK in small letters above the door. The cemetery looks well managed and cared for.
A sign on the cemetery fence.
A friendly horse on Ragweed Valley road. She is well socialized and spoiled by owners I never saw.
Same horse up close and personal.
The same horse in profile.
A pregnant Jenny friend of the horse in the same corral. She was my original target, but the horses thought differently.
This fine old barn seems close-up through the long lens it took to capture it. Also on Ragweed Valley Road in Garland County AR.
This security system has worked well for years so the proprieitor of the Crystal Springs General store says.