Weekly Grist Gallery, December 4, 2011
Meandering through the mountains, again
Most of the time, the trip home from an event or gathering is a more relaxed jaunt since arrival times are not anticipated by those whom you were visiting. Our trip home from Thanksgiving at Mountain View, Arkansas was one of those. The only time target was an easily attainable television kickoff time and providing relief to four dogs who eagerly anticipated our arrival. Meandering through the mountains always yields good photo ops, some of which one has to seek, some of which slap you in the face. Take a look.
See the stories that go with the pictures at Corndancer dot-com and Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind

Something you do not see before the leaves drop: a cacaphony of trunks, limbs, and twigs silhouetted against a setting sun.
How it looks in the middle of a low water bridge. No fear, the water was probably not over six inches deep.
A church, less identifying signage south of Mountain View on Arkansas Highway 9.
The belfry of the aforementioned house of worship.
Some times things come in clusters. This barn below the road grade was in plain sight of the aforementioned church.
Stone County Road 22 is a turn-temptation. So I turned. This old barn was part of a cluster of good shots.
Across from the old barn is this old home, probably a deer camp house in its last occupation.
Window one on the old house.
Window two on the old house.
As I was shooting the window, I noticed movement and there was a big ol' cat in weeds at the foundation of the old house.
Looks like some rag-doll, Siamese, tabby, and Calico, which makes her a girl.
More of the kitty.
And more.
Leaving the barn and cat and heading back to the highway, you see this.
Right on the highway you find this old barn covered with corrugated roofing, better known as "roofin' arn."
Across the highway from the barn is this old house with remnants of "tar-paper" covering.
While shooting the barn, this cow became my audience.
She was joined by this cow and about a dozen others.
Next to the cows was this nicely preserved cabin.
Cabin closeup.
At one time in this neck of the woods, rock fences were all the rage, a status no longer enjoyed by this one — and the residence it decorated.