A requiem gallery for Yoda
The "Pategonian Water Dog"
April 7, 2013 — Sixteen years ago at a date known only to the Man on High, Yoda, the “Pategonian Water Dog” entered this life. Today he departed. Between the two, he brought love, devotion, smiles, laughs, anger, tears, and other emotional manifestations humans can conjure up to the Dempseys like no other. He was a loving companion whose time had come. Read the story of Yoda, “A Pategonian Water Dog.”

Yoda was an "ears-up" dog. He let you know in a heartbeat that he appreciated you. His ears got him his name.
Yoda's coat was like a bear. When other dogs were ready to come in Yoda was ready for another dip in cold water or a roll in occasional snow.
In 2010, he could still manage to get up on the couch. He knew it was forbidden fruit, but did it anyway. By that time, we decided that he had earned the right. His look confirms that he understands his position.
Yoda in one of his favorite "curl-up" positions.
Yoda in the relaxation mode. Pat had just called his name and up went the ears.
Mamma coming home from work in 2008. I had the dogs in the back yard and when Pat hit the drive way, the training session was over. They wanted to see their Mamma.
Yoda doing the shake after a swim in 2010. He loved water and swimming. Due to his bear-like coat, liquid fragments from his shaking had a long lethal distance to cameras and clean clothes.
Same swim as the last picture.
Ditto. After the swim.
When Yodas eyebrows began to turn white, he gained a sinister look. Nothing could have been further from the truth.