Photo manipulation
Clouds and rays
Sunsets which appear to be very dramatic to your naked eye may not be so dramatic as seen by your camera's sensor. Your sensor is not in the same league with your eyes by a long shot when it comes to capturing visual information.
When we apply a bit of manipulation and enhance the picture, we get the image closer to what we saw. I underexposed this picture to avoid blown out highlights, so I had to selectively put the brightness and color back in to achieve an appearance which looks more like the real thing.
This is the original shot at 1/2000 @ f6.3 -.7 stop, ISO 100 with a Nikon Coolpix P7000 hand-held, framing in the monitor. I set the camera on P (program) and let it do its thing.
This is the final image after manipulation and enhnacement in Photoshop CS5 Extended. The original RAW image holds this information and the software helps us make it display to suit our individual tastes.